These last few months have been CRAAAAAZY!! I deeply apologize to
anyone who lives for my blog posts, hehehe. Since it has been so long
since I've posted, be prepared for a doozy of a post. I'm about to
attempt chronicling our adventures since our roadtrip this summer. Here
goes. . .
My brother, who is in
the Air Force, was reassigned to San Angelo (I have since learned that
even people in Texas don't know where that is - sad). That must have
been the most exciting day of my LIFE!!! Finally, someone from my side
of the family lived within driving distance - just 3 hours from San
Antonio. Needless to say, we have become very familiar with San Angelo
since then.
Outside San Angelo's Museum of Art - Edward is trying to "recreate" this "work of art". |
Sweet girl - as long as she doesn't know you're taking her picture, you can get a genuine smile! |
At the Museum of Art again - just possibly we were hardpressed to find anything else to do in that city. ;) |
Read them a book, and you're a friend for life! |
Buddies - she really did like me better than she's acting in this photo. Pinkie swear. |
Apparently I'll do anything to win over a child's affection - including
donning a pair of sunglasses 20x too small just to get a giggle. |
The clones.
Just 3 weeks after my brother moved to San Angelo, Edward received a job offer in Oklahoma City. Okay, so we were REALLY grateful for the job offer, because without it, we would now be living in a box, but at the same time, I was so bummed that we'd be moving farther away from those guys (and all of Edward's family in Houston). Nevertheless, we packed up our apartment and moved to the windy plains! And boy is it windy! I think we have a non-windy day maybe once every 8 days. Everyone here is extremely friendly, the traffic is WAAAAAAY better, and we have been able to experience a little bit of fall weather. Oklahoma is definitely growing on us. . .
Last night in our apartment - sleeping on an air mattress. |
STILL cleaning at 11:00 the night before our move. |
Almost everything is packed in the truck. |
Our new Okie apartment all full of our boxes! |
We spent October getting set up in our new home and making some plans for the coming months. First, we are building a house!!! It will be ready sometime this spring (March or April). It is little, but it's our first, and it's OURS. We have fun driving to our new neighborhood and watching the progress made on our house. We've also spent a lot of time working on adoption - since we moved to a new state, our homestudy has to be redone with LDS Family Services. We have also started pursuing adoption through OKDHS, and hopefully will be approved with them early in 2013. The highlight of our month though was that Edward's niece and nephew came to stay with us for a few weeks. It was so much fun to have them here, and I'm pretty sure I don't have any unrealistic expectations about parenthood anymore!
The house that is pointed out in the picture is not our house - ours is on the other side of the street (it's obviously not there yet) and backs to the greenbelt - complete with picket fence and gate! |
Our lot pre-construction. |
What our house will look like. :) |
Ward Trunk-or-Treat - I went as an early morning seminary student (along with the rest of the YW Presidency), and Edward went as an Occupy Protester. What a dork! |
He was just awful while handing out candy to the kids - telling them to make sure and share with everyone, that they could only have their "fair share" etc. Poor kids didn't know how to react! |
Making Mummy Dogs. . .Mmmm! |
Someone liked my Biggest Loser workout video, hehehe. |
Cuties all ready for church. |
Putting together a puzzle with Uncle Edward. |
Being silly! |
At the zoo - those birds were scarier than they look, lol! |
Waiting for the gingerbread cookies to bake. |
The finished product. Turns out gingerbread dough is very sticky. I'm not sure what this originally was, but we have dubbed it "Mermaid Kitty". My sister-in-law has dubbed it "The Turd".
Hooray, we got to head back into Texas for Thanksgiving! We had a blast (like we always do) at Edward's sister's house. Her kiddos are nuts, which makes for a very entertaining time. We came down knowing that Edward's grandmother was in the hospital. We were fortunate enough to visit with her the morning before she passed. And even more blessed because she was a part of our lives! The funeral was beautiful, and it was good to see extended family that we haven't seen in a few years.
Once again, the lengths we will go to, to entertain children. |
Doin' the Bumblebee Dance! |
Lookin' cozy. |
I can't get it off!!!!! |
Happy to be alive! |
I'm so cool. |
It must be love. . . |